Four Aspects of Growth

Our Curriculum Overview

Jesus is our Model for
Growth and Maturity

IHU Academy believes that spiritual growth is the nucleus of education with the other three areas – physical, social and intellectual – automatically progress when the former is given emphasis. 

Spiritual Education

Fellowship with the Lord is the key to learning in all other areas so that IHUA trains its students with knowledge with eternal value , sacred music and spiritual leadership with the goal of teaching the greatest commandment of loving God with all of their heart, soul, mind and strength.

Intellectual Education

We place emphasis on being equipped academically for the ultimate purpose of being prepared for serving God in the ministry. At the same time, we focus on the student's diligence and faithfulness as key to lifelong and fruitful results.

Social Education

We give importance to interpersonal relationships among families of students by offering special courses and practical skills in response to the great command of loving other people.

Physical Education

Unlike the current trend of offering sports and physical movements, IHUA promotes physical training not for pleasure or self-achievement but for building the kind and body strong and healthy for the students to live a godly life pleasing to the Lord.

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